The Mill Walk offers an overview of the parallel development of the farming of grains and early civilisations, to milling and baking bread today. The on-site exhibition at La Motte is expanded here online, and includes topics of historical milling processes, implements and structures like the hand mill collection and the La Motte watermill, to the philosophy of the La Motte Bakery and matters like nutrition and sustainability.
Before bread: the significance of mills
Grains and wheat
Non-rotating hand mills
The hand mill collection
Rotating hand mills
Farming and harvesting
Grinding grain to flour
Watermills at work
The La Motte Watermill
The La Motte Bakery
Bread at La Motte
Sourdough as method
The Oven
Food and Culture
Assire, J. The Book of Bread. 1996. Flammarion: Paris
Eiselen, H (ed). Brotkultur. 1995. Eiselen Foundation and DuMont: Cologne
Hesse, V. Interview. 2022. La Motte Wine State, Franschhoek
Loulis Museum. 2019. Keratsini
Pollan, M. Cooked: A natural history of transformation. 2016. Ryan Miler: Netflix
Museum Brot und Kunst. 2022. : Ulm
Scheffler, H. 1993. La Motte en sy mense: Die Geskiedenis van die Historiese
Wynlandgoed. La Motte Wynlandgoed: Franschhoek.
Staples, C.O. Mills of Southern Africa: Wind, water and horse. 2006. Umdaus Press: Hatfield
Walton, J. Water-mils windmills and horse-mills of South Africa. 1974. Struik: Cape Town
Richemont International. Sourdough summit: traditional baker’s trades meet science.
Summit on current findings on sourdough.van plek / Perception
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