Even though it is perfectly enjoyable on its own, wine often comes with a few strings attached...
For instance, when we drink it. Is it an intricate red to warm you up on a cold winter’s night or a refreshing number for summer sipping? Perhaps it is a complex wine to open when entertaining connoisseur friends or a more easy-drinking option for a Saturday afternoon watching sports. It can be an elegant glassful for cocktail parties or a comforting choice for when you are alone.
Then there is the where. This time of year, most of us opt for a fireplace and winter cuddling, but in warmer months, a shady garden spot does nicely. Perhaps it is on holiday with an ocean view or around a braai in the Kruger. Wine surely feels at home on a dinner table and just as much, in the kitchen!
And of course there is the question of with. Perhaps you enjoy your wine with that someone special, with good friends and family or just in your own enjoyable company? Of course we almost always serve wine with food. And perhaps you love wine with a good book or with your favourite music.
Syrah is such a versatile wine that it is easy to attach strings of when, where and with...
And while, for the Shiraz SA week of Shiraz and Venison, we recommend you enjoy our 2015 La Motte Syrah or 2015 Pierneef Syrah Viognier in front of a crackling fire, with Chef Eric Bulpitt’s delicious springbok pie and the soothing sounds of classical guitarist James Grace in the background, there really is no reason why you cannot just enjoy the Syrah – no strings attached!