This wine is a blend of 91% Shiraz and9% Viognier. The Shiraz component isfrom Bot River in the Walker Bay Region(50%), Darling (20%) Franschhoek(16%) and Elim (5%) while the Viognieroriginates from Wellington.
The period preceding the 2007 seasonwas virtually perfect for winemakingpurposes – a cold winter, cool spring-time, welcome early summer rains anda dry January. Few problems wereencountered and only routine leafmanagement and other practices wererequired until the end of January, whenthe Boland was hit by an extendedheat wave. This condition deprivedearly varietals such as Viognier of theirvaluable hanging time and forcedwine-makers into earlier harvesting.Temperatures became mild again andallowed the Shiraz varietal gradualripening. Flavours and analyses weregood, with good acid and pH levels.Grapes were also exceptionally healthy.
The vineyards all have unique macroclimates and grow in a large variety of soiltypes. Different clones are represented.All the vineyards are trellised accordingto the Perold system and managed tobe perfectly balanced in leaf cover andyield. Thanks to the different terroirs,each area produces grapes with specificcharacteristics, allowing the grapes fromeach area to make a unique contributionin flavour and structure. As a resultof intensive harvest control after theuneven budding, yield was less than sixtons per hectare.
The Viognier, that ripens before theShiraz, was harvested on 7 February and stored in refrigerated surroundings.The Shiraz followed a week later.Both varietals were hand-sorted andwere placed in the tank together. Thewine was pumped over regularly andfermented at 25 degrees Celsius. Afterfermentation, extended skin contact wasallowed for approximately two weeks.Malolactic fermentation and maturationwere in 225-litre French oak barrels,60% of which were new. The wine wasmatured for 15 months before bottlingin September 2008.
The intense violet colour of this winereflects a season that was excellent forShiraz. Blueberry and stewed plum fruitsare surrounded by pepper, clove andliquorice spices. The best characteristicof this wine is the generous palatewith layered concentration and chalkytannins. The balance is harmonious.
Alcohol 13,67% vol
Residual sugar 2,6 g/l
Total acid 5,4 g/l
pH 3,76