Pierneef en die bosveld / Pierneef and the bushveld

JH Pierneef (1886-1957)
Bosveld Stormwolke / Bushveld Storm clouds, 1920. Gouache op karton / Gouache on cardboard (22 x 30cm). Versameling / Collection: La Motte Museum, Franschhoek

Landskap, Soutpansberg
Linosnee / Linocut. 20 x 30.4 cm. La Motte Hoofhuis / Manor House. Versameling / Collection: La Motte Wynlandgoed / Wine Estate.

Stormwolke, Springbokvlakte
Linosnee / Linocut. 10 x 13 cm. Pierneef a La Motte Restaurant. Versameling / Collection: La Motte Wynlandgoed / Wine Estate