This multi-component exhibition features work by 25 prominent figures in the South African arts. The group consists of established artists, writers and composers, all having one prestige accomplishment in common – they have all been the receiver of the Helgaard Steyn Award.
Currently in its 28th year, the Helgaard Steyn Awards, a series of prestige prizes introduced to South African art during the eighties, acknowledges South African art in a unique way by honouring individuals annually, but in a four year cycle alternating between the disciplines, for musical composition, painting, literature and sculpture.
The Helgaard Steyn Trust originated from the estate of Dr JH (Jan) Steyn, who was dedicated towards the conservation and development of arts and culture and established a trust named after his father, Helgaard Steyn.
In order to purchase a full-colour printed Helgaard Steyn Awards 1987-2013 exhibition catalogue, please contact: Eliz-Marié Schoonbee at the La Motte Museum, T +27 (0)21 876 8850 E museum@la-motte.co.za
Download PDF catalogue in English or Afrikaans.
The Helgaard Steyn Awards 1987-2013 exhibition catalogue received a Highly Commended Certificate from SAMA (South African Museums Association) during the 78th National Conference held in November 2014.