Pork Roast for your party

A juicy pork roast is very much part of the festive season. Try Chef Eric's recipe with a must jam and whole grain mustard glaze. Delicious!

1 x 8-Bone pork loin (chime bone on)

2 x Medium Onions

Salt and pepper

150 g  Must jam

30 g Whole grain mustard

20 Cloves

The day before:

Ask your butcher for a pork loin on the bone with the skin off.

Prepare the pork loin a day in advance by rinsing it under cold water and petting it dry with kitchen towel. Leave the loin in the fridge uncovered overnight.

On the day:

Preheat your oven to 180° Celsius.

Score the fat side with a sharp knife in medium size diamante shapes and season quite liberally with salt and pepper.

Roughly chop the onions and place then at the bottom of your roasting dish, place the pork on top and into the oven.

Cook the pork for 45 minutes to 1 hour until an internal temperature of 54 degrees Celsius have been reached.

Remove the loin and allow to rest for 30 minutes.

Now stud the fat side with the cloves.

Mix the must jam and mustard and brush the loin with the glaze.

Put back into the and place back into the 180° Celsius oven.

Check the pork every 5 minutes and keep applying the glaze.

Cook for a further 30 minutes until well glazed and sticky.

Rest for 30 minutes and your pork loin is ready to be carved.

Served with buttered cabbage and roast potatoes.

This style of pork is lovely with the 2019 La Motte Chardonnay, but if you prefer a red wine, try the 2018 La Motte Millennium!