Oven Roasted Lamb Rump, Braised Grains and Swiss Chard Recipe

For the braised lentils and barley

100 g Pearl Barley

100 g Black lentils

1 lt water

100 g butter

200 ml lamb stock, the more gelatinous the better

10 g parsley, just disciplined with a sharp knife.

10 g mint, same treatment as the parsley

20 g Parmesan cheese

Wash grains separately. Place in separate pots and cover with cold water. Cook until al dente. Drain water and allow the grains to steam a little. Reserve for final cook.

Combine the grains and place in a sauce pot, add the stock and cook on medium heat until the stock has reduced by two thirds. Add the butter and stir to create a emulsion with the stock and grains. Remove from the heat and add the herbs and Parmesan, stirring to maintain the emulsion and create a risotto like feel. Check for seasoning and finish with a squeeze of lemon juice.

Swiss Chard

300 g Swiss chard, washed and stems removed.

1/4 Garlic clove

50 ml  Good quality olive oil

1 Lemon

Salt (use a non-iodised salt) and black pepper

Place a large stock pot on the stove filled two thirds with water and bring to a rolling boil. While this is happenin,g make a ice bath to quickly shock your Swiss chard after blanching. Once the water is boiling, add a good amount of salt (I always say it should taste like ocean water). Blanch the chard for 5 minutes or until very soft. Strain through a colander and straight into the ice water. Once cooled, squeeze dry and place in a mixing bowl. Reserve for final seasoning.

Once ready to serve, dress the chard with olive oil, salt, black pepper, lemon juice and a little minced garlic

Lamb Rump

2 x 200 g Free Range Lamb Rumps

100 g Butter

1 Rosemary sprig

1 Garlic clove, cracked

Trim up the lamb rump and remove the top membrane. Using a sharp knife, score the fat in a diamante pattern.

Season the rumps well with salt and pepper.

Heat a skillet or heavy based sauté pan over high heat until it starts smoking slightly. Turn the pan down to a medium high heat and sear the lamb rump to brown it all over. This should be quick, maybe 30 seconds per side.

Now turn the rump onto its fat side, cook like this for 3 to 5 minutes to get the fat crispy and well rendered. Once the fat side is rendered and crispy, add the butter, rosemary and garlic. Place in the oven for 5 to 8 minutes depending on the thickness of the rumps. Take out and rest for 8 minutes.

Serve with a generous glasses of the 2018 La Motte Cabernet Sauvignon