One’s food heritage is quite personal. It really is our own food story, usually told and taught by your mother or grandmother and preserved in the way you feed your loved ones. But families are bigger than relatives and while for some, their own food story starts with a gogo or mama, many food stories come from those around us, the people who form and influence us, the people who cook for us and those who eat with us.
Pierneef à La Motte Restaurant has always been about sharing. Sharing food stories and sharing food favourites. And for Heritage Month, we'll be sharing some of the food stories and recipes we've compiled over the years. Feel free to share yours with us!
The story of pasta and "snysels"
A healthy slice of Grandmother's bread - a recipe with a story
Old-fashioned spiced pumpkin tart
Whole-baked rainbow trout with tomato and olives
Chef Eric's baked sago pudding
Grandma's garden salad with mustard vinaigrette