Melon soup for a more-than-mellow summer

Jan van Riebeeck planted the first melons at the Cape. In the Netherlands and later at the Cape, the fruit was served thinly sliced and eaten with salt and sometimes with pepper.

As an interesting aside, the first melons harvested at the Cape were quite small and, in 1659, Jan van Riebeeck declared that a melon could be sold for a quarter penny if it was ripe and weighed at least a pound (450 g).

Enjoy our delicious cold melon soup with a glass of 2021 La Motte Vin de Joie Rosé a glass for a delightful summer's combination.

Melon Soup Recipe

Serves 6


1 sweet melon

7 Tbsp (105 ml) sweet dessert wine or sherry

2 sprigs fresh mint

1 cup (250 ml) fresh cream

1 cup (250 ml) finely diced fresh seasonal fruit

chopped fresh mint, for garnishing


Peel the melon and purée the flesh in a blender with the wine until smooth.

Add the mint and refrigerate overnight.

The following day, remove the mint and add the cream.

To serve

Scoop each person some of the fresh diced fruit into a soup plate.

Pour the melon soup over and garnish with chopped mint.