Grilled Nectarine & Burrata Salad with Almonds and a Herb Drizzle


"Following in the footsteps of the ultimate Italian tricolour salad, the classic caprese, this twist uses  grilled nectarines and slivered red onion to elevate the juicy sweetness of ripe stone fruit to another level. The combination of creamy burrata cheese, punchy herbs, crunchy almonds, extra virgin olive oil and ripe stone fruit is simply heavenly! Season generously with salt & pepper. Enjoy with generous, well-chilled glasses of La Motte's Vin de Joie Rosé!"

Grilled nectarine & burrata salad with almonds and a herb drizzle

Recipe: Ilse van der Merwe, The Food Fox

Ingredients: (serves 4 as a starter or side dish)

  • 4-6 ripe nectarines (or peaches)
  • extra virgin olive oil, for brushing
  • 250-350 g burrata cheese balls, large or small (or buffalo mozzarella or for di latte or bocconcini)
  • 1/4 red onion, finely sliced
  • a small bunch wild rocket leaves
  • a small punnet basil leaves
  • 45-60 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 15 ml lemon juice
  • salt & pepper
  • ¼ cup flaked almonds, lightly toasted
  • balsamic vinegar, for serving
  • freshly toasted baguette or ciabatta, for serving


Place an iron griddle over high heat. While it’s heating up, slice the nectarines in half and remove the stones - taking care not to bruise the fruit (if the stones are not easily removed, rather slice around the stones).

Use a pastry brush to brush the cut sides of the fruit with olive oil. When the griddle starts to smoke, place the sliced pieces cut sides down on the griddle. Grill until you achieve charred marks (don’t cook it all the way through) - it should take about 1-2 minutes, then remove with a spatula and set aside.

On a salad platter, arrange the griddled nectarines and cheese balls, slicing/tearing larger balls into smaller pieces if you want to. Top with slices of red onion and some of your rocket and basil leaves (you’ll use the rest for the drizzle).

In a small blender, add the remaining leaves, olive oil, lemon juice and season with salt & pepper. Blend to a green pesto-like drizzle consistency (add more oil or lemon juice if needed), then drizzle a few teaspoons all over the salad.

Finish with some flaked almonds and serve at once, with some bread on the side, the remaining drizzle and balsamic vinegar (for self-help).