Festive Lamb Rack

Lamb is always a special treat and there is no better place than the festive table to serve a beautiful and succulent rack of lamb! Chef Eric's recipe uses the traditional flavours of rosemary and garlic and there's no better choice than the 2017 La Motte Cabernet Sauvignon to enjoy with the meat.

Festive Rack of Lamb

Serves 2 (double up as many times as you need for a family table)

1 x  4 bone lamb rack

50 ml olive oil

1 sprig Rosemary

1 garlic clove

50 g Butter

15 g Meat rub (Try the one in the La Motte Farm Shop)

Salt and pepper

Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

Want to trim your rack? Click here.

Season the rack of lamb with salt and black pepper. 

Place a ovenproof pan on high heat and heat until the pan starts to smoke. Be careful not to heat it too much as you can burn the rack or set the pan on fire.

Remove the pan from the heat for a minute and then put the rack skin side down on the hot pan. Sear the lam all over until nicely browned.

Remove from the heat and allow to rest for 5 minutes. Rub with the meat rub and place in the pan.

Now put the pan in the oven for 12 to 15 minutes depending on how thick our rack is.

Remove from the oven using a oven cloth. Add the butter rosemary and garlic to the hot pan. Using a tablespoon start spooning the butter over the rack, turning it around to get it well covered.

Rest the rack for 10 minutes spooning some butter over from time to time.

After the ten-minute rest, your lamb is ready to slice and serve.

Chef's tips: 

  • Some chefs get a little besotted with French trimming the rack, but I like the fat and meat on the rack and remove nothing except the chime bone.
  • I love lamb with simple root vegetables such as carrots and potatoes.
  • Nothing complements fatty meat and herby flavours as well as a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon!